It's a Thing

It's a Thing

I think it’s important to acknowledge what you think is real.  I thank Ray Dalio for his curation of really good thoughts around the topic of knowing what is real and challenging yourself and others to synthesizing a more perfect understanding of it.  Knowing what is real is more important than winning, because there is no sustainable victory without it.

 I find it helpful to acknowledge and repeat THINGS I think are real when I talk to others.  I want to make sure there is room in every dialogue, so I like this simple short way of expressing it:

"It’s a thing"

  • People don’t get what our business does … Yep, it’s a thing!

  • It costs us too much money to get customers … it’s a thing.

  • People will always need X in good times and bad. … it’s a thing.

"It’s a thing" to me means:

  • It’s something we need to understand right now or at least very soon.

  • It’s something that will punish us if we ignore it.

  • It’s something we expect to talk about a lot more as we go.

  • It’s something I’m holding onto tightly, but I’m willing to let go if you have a Better More Real Thing to replace it with… and then that will be a thing.

Lobster Telephone is a Surrealist object, created by Salvador Dalí in 1936 for the English poet Edward James (1907–1984), a leading collector of surrealist art. To Dali, lobsters and telephones were things.

The land where CEOs and their investors often fear to tread

The land where CEOs and their investors often fear to tread

Building your own focus

Building your own focus